Thursday, April 21, 2011

an off-day bleughh....

Everybody has one of those days...everything you do goes wrong, or you constantly drop things out of your hands, slight little mistakes during work, and the feeling you just want to go home and go to bed, or in some cases take a nice relax chair and curl up inside it in the sunshine outside...

Well I kind of have that feeling for a while :) as in a few weeks, but I think the lack of actual sunshine has a big part in that. Today was just an extremed day. Even though I had arranged to end work 2 hours earlier ( thats cause I`ve got a working course next week which unfortunatly makes me do overwork, so compensation today was aproved) I had a terrible day bleugh....

I got home...browsed internet a bit like I always do, made a nice order of I sometimes do, oeh shoppinnggg, didn`t had any desirable feeling of cooking diner at all so I went out to get fries and snacks (in most coutnries fries are a side-dish, but here it can be maincourse with side snacks usually meatkind), we watched out House episode and I went to bed for a tiny nap cause I couldn`t keep my eyes open...

Next thing I know it`s 2 hours later aarrghhh the horror!! I could have done many nice things or even chores in and around the house. Bah bah bah. So I had the chance of going home early and perhaps do some foodshopping or do my "chores" then, instead I didn`t do anything AND I slept most of the`s such a waste of a perfect day!!!

To not fully let the day slip away I gave myself an amazing shower and used most of my Lush products so I smell all yummy now :) A little "Angels on Bare Skin" on my face traaalala, "Almond & Coconut Smoothie" all over my body mmmm this is a yummy perfect product!!, shampoo bar "New" through my hair wow tingling sensation of cinnamon, afterwards "R&B" conditioner through my hair...just a tiny amount otherwise it`ll grease up to fast ieuw, now I`m scrubbing my lips with "Lip Dip", and I`ve got "Lemony Flutter"  reserved before bedtime ;)

And now.....I can relax and enjoy the rest of my evening ;)

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