Friday, January 7, 2011

Ooeehh I`ve been awarded :)

This is my 2nd award that I receive, and I`m very very thankful for it!! I received it from Maud, thank you sweetie!

Getting this award brings some rules with it.....

1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award!

7 things about myself....hhmmm

1) I have a secret list of things I want to do before my husband and I think of "starting"  with children ;)  One being in the top 3 atm is visite New York...and I think that will happen this year. I strongly need to work down some things so I really have them done, cause in my opinion, if we will have children eventually they will need all my time and attention. I don`t want to regret not having done certain things :)....everyone to it`s own opinion ofc ;)

2) I call my blog addictions, cause I get hooked on things quite easily.... Decorating/baking cakes, traveling, MMORPG's like WOW ( games ), nailpolishes, beauty products etc etc... But I never get hooked on it that i loose myself completly in it. And i ask my husband on a regular base if he`s okay with what I`m doing.

3) I`m a planner...I can`t stand suprises even though they`re meant well... I need to know where I am, where I will be, where I`m gonna be, etc etc  I got a little weekend away to London/friends, and it was all planned...that was so difficult for me just to give in and enjoy. As we knew we were going to get married 1,5 years in advance  I had plenty of time to arrange everything I/we wanted.

4) I grew up with 2 older brothers, so I know quite a lot of guy stuff :S Comics, cartoons, series, games, Star Wars, Star whatever ;)  Which resulted in still having quite a high interest in movies. My oldest brother plays WOW as well, so we sometimes chat nerdy is that!

5) I don't like my job very much, as it's all about being sick or people dieing...I work in a pharmacy. I can't talk or think about dieing, I hate it, I don't want to think or hear about it. Most of the time I think of what else to do, since I have no other schooling and I'm lazy, every other profession sounds apealing to me :) When I polish my nails I think about how great it would be to have a nailsalon, when I walk through a museum I think how great it would be to walk around guide some groups....if only :)

6) I can't throw away stuff with attached memories. It's not really becomming a problem yet, I just have to think 3 months about throwing an item away, and in the end...I don't miss it at all :) I think I was brought up with indeed the idea, some things might come out handy if you save it...but since my mum does have a problem stacking up silly stuff hahaha. My hubby doesn;t have a lot of memorable stuff or items from his childhood. So it;s easier for him to say I don't need it and to bin it...but I always like to have a little say goodbey to items ;) Even little notes!!

7) I hate winter, not so much snow or rain or the cold. I hate the darkness. It's the time of the year when I leave my house for work in darkness...and come home in complete darkness as well. I hate it so much ggrrr. I need sunlight, it really brightens up my day :) i haev a special Philips alarmclock which wakes me up with a soft sound or a little river...and an upcomming sun aahhh I love it. I tend to go to a tanning studio once in 2 weeks as well just to get a little "sun" boost.

and my pick of 15 lovely bloggers;

Gouldylox Reviews
beauty ponders & randoms
Only Half Dressed
Beauty Polish
Nails by Alice
The Polished Perfectionist
Cosmetic Cupcake
Perfectly Unordinary
sweet monday
Fashion Polish
A day in the life...
colorful bottle's blog

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